About Us

All what you need to know about our company

ARK Multicasting

ARK Multicasting is a broadcast company on the cutting edge of technology and the next generation of content delivery throughout the USA. We are the second largest television broadcaster in the nation with 283 television broadcast assets covering 106 million people or 33% of the US (equal to the largest cablecos in the nation).

The Problem

With 80% of video consumption now through OTT services, the over taxed unicast (1 to 1) model of the internet simply cannot keep up with the constant strain and growing demand. On top of that, 82% of the US is being served a slow speed high cost internet option.

The Solution

By using out nationwide platform to deliver the most watch content, we can unburden the pipe be offloading 90% of the bandwidth usage through the use of broadcast infrastructure. This eliminates redundant downloads and makes use of a far heftier multicast deliver model.

Our Strengths

ARK Multicasting is in the perfect place to implement this solution. With 106MM discrete pops across the nation, we reach a third of the nation already. We have the same reach as the largest cable companies. ARK has the infrastructure to penetrate the mark rapidly and roll out this solution across the US.

The Opportunity

5.1 Billion viewing hours were lost to rebuffering in Q2 2018. That’s 5.1 billion opportunities to increase ad revenue, grow an audience, and spread brand awareness for hundreds of companies and content creators. ARK had zero buffering, which means no lost opportunity.

Fast Stats


of the US has either slow broadband, monopoly pricing, or both

5.1 billion

hours of video viewing was lost to rebuffering in Q2 2018 alone


of all Internet consumption is from OTT video subscription services


ARK can offload 90% of video traffic at a wholesale rate of just $.01/GB

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